Our Plant Guarantee

At Vander Giessen Nursery, our goal is to help you succeed in making your yard an oasis. To that end, we aim to sell only the highest-quality plants and will not sell any plant we deem to be unhealthy. However, we realize that occasionally a plant might have inherent problems not immediately discernible at the time of purchase. To protect your investment in your landscape and garden, we offer the following plant guarantee for shrubs, trees, and perennials:

Plant Guarantee

Our plant guarantee applies to retail purchases of shrubs, trees, and perennials. All such purchases come with a one-time 90-day guarantee:

  • 30 days full replacement or store credit for 100% of the purchase price

  • 60 days additional store credit for 50% of the purchase price

We cannot guarantee plants against damage from extreme weather, animals, neglect, or mechanical devices. Guarantee coverage for plants purchased on sale is limited to 30 days full replacement or store credit for 100% of the purchase price.

Returns & Exchanges

All returns or exchanges must be accompanied by original receipt. Plant returns must be made within 48 hours of purchase and must be in original condition. We are unable to offer returns or exchanges for annuals, hanging baskets, and bare root plants.  All returns are subject to a 20% restock fee.

Sales on discounted or clearance-priced plants are final.