
Shifting Focus for a New Season in the Garden

Early season produce is beginning to ripen in gardens, strawberry stands are sharing their sweet harvest, and long days mean evening fun watching kids shoot hoops or play in the yard. All this can mean only one thing: summer has arrived. With the arrival of a new season, our tasks in the garden shift slightly, giving gardeners a new set of goals to keep plants performing their best throughout the [...]

Fall Clearance: 50% off Shrubs, Trees & Perennials

Our fall clearance sale is now over. Thank you for shopping with us this season! Still planting in your yard this fall? Our remaining inventory of shrubs, trees, and perennials is still for sale at regular prices. Short days, cool nights, and wet weather--fall is perfect for planting! No matter what you want to plant, autumn's cooler, wet weather make for stress-free transplant for your shrubs, trees, and [...]

2023-11-05T01:55:53+00:00October 17th, 2023|Fall, Sale|0 Comments

A Garden Refresh for a New Season

Foolish me—I thought that after all the rain we had from last October through early June, we might just escape the summer wildfire smoke we’ve experienced the last few years. Although some forecasters predicted a cool, wetter-than-normal summer, since early summer it’s been very dry and warm, and with wildfires burning once again in our mountains, even the most rain-weary among us are wishing for a good, soaking rain. With [...]

One Hundred Extra Minutes in the Garden

A map I recently saw showed that the northern latitudes of the continental United States gain an average of 100 minutes of daylight over the course of the month of March. That statistic begs the question: what are you going to do with that extra hour and a half of daylight each day? Of course, if you’re reading this, chances are you’ll spend a good portion of that time [...]

2022-03-25T04:03:50+00:00March 25th, 2022|Fertilizer, Fruit, Plant Care, Shrubs|0 Comments

Enjoy Summer Gardening Success

With summer just around the corner, it’s prime season for working around the yard. June’s long days are ideal for tending to the yard and landscaping around the house. Whether you’re working to ensure a healthy lawn through summer or planting shrubs and trees around your home, here are a few tips to ensure success in your endeavors. First, June is the perfect time to feed your lawn before summer. [...]

2018-06-14T14:38:49+00:00June 14th, 2018|Fertilizer, Hot Plants, Lawn Care, Plant Care, Planting, Shrubs|0 Comments

With Fall Here, It’s Time to Plant Again!

As if on cue, September has ushered in the start of autumn. Yes, we technically have about a week left of summer, but after the August heat, September arrived with markedly cooler weather, a slight change in the air and the return of a few rain showers. Now, with fall planting season here, it’s time to take a look at your yard and tackle some autumn projects. September and October [...]

2021-06-22T18:33:59+00:00September 15th, 2016|Fertilizer, Lawn Care, Plant Care, Planting|0 Comments

Is it too late to plant?

After a beautiful summer and a sunny, warm start to autumn, it's that time again--with the rain falling and temperatures dropping, autumn is truly here. Yesterday, I read that the road to Artist Point has been closed for the season, and with that closure, we can say goodbye to summer and hello to a new season. This time of year, I often hear customers say, "Is it too late to [...]

2021-07-30T20:58:37+00:00September 30th, 2009|Fall|0 Comments
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