
Keep the Beauty Going in the Garden

This week’s forecast: nothing but sunshine. While the webbed-feet crowd can bemoan that spring’s rain has transitioned solidly to dry summer weather, we can all appreciate the fact that summer brings with it the abundance of a garden harvest, days spent at the lake or the bay, and relaxing in the cool of the day outside on the deck. As you work in the garden this month, here are a [...]

Smart Moves to Keep Your Garden Happy This Summer

By nearly every measure, summer has arrived. Never mind that June has felt cooler and more spring-like than May--kids out of school and over 16 hours of daylight can only mean that summer is here! As you wrap up your spring checklist of filling planters and beds with colorful flowers, it’s time to shift into summer maintenance mode. Here are a few tips to ensure a thriving lawn and [...]

Keeping Plants Healthy in Dry, Warm Weather

To people who don’t live in the Pacific Northwest, it almost sounds unreal to say our summers are dry. So stereotyped is our corner of the world as an always-drizzling moss-covered region that many don’t realize how dry it can be from July through September. One look, however, at the heat-stressed pots on your patio reveals the truth: summer is dry! To keep your hanging baskets and pots going [...]

Enjoy Summer Gardening Success

With summer just around the corner, it’s prime season for working around the yard. June’s long days are ideal for tending to the yard and landscaping around the house. Whether you’re working to ensure a healthy lawn through summer or planting shrubs and trees around your home, here are a few tips to ensure success in your endeavors. First, June is the perfect time to feed your lawn before summer. [...]

2018-06-14T14:38:49+00:00June 14th, 2018|Fertilizer, Hot Plants, Lawn Care, Plant Care, Planting, Shrubs|0 Comments

Make the Most of Summer in the Garden

Summer is in full swing, although it’s been a couple of years since I’ve had to dress so warm yet in July! In any case, now is the time of year when your yard begins to take on its “finished” look for the season, and as you enjoy the fruition of your gardening dreams, it’s time to take stock of what else your garden could use for a unique focal [...]

Keepin’ It Green

What a summer it’s turning out to be—and there's still plenty of it left! While long-term forecasts can be wildly off, if this summer’s dry weather pattern holds, it may be awhile before we see any worthwhile amount of rain. So, as you take care of your yard and garden, what can you do to keep things green while also being water-wise? First, remember that it’s almost always better to [...]

2016-11-10T22:47:54+00:00July 22nd, 2015|Lawn Care, Plant Care, Planting|0 Comments
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