
Preparing Your Plants for a Winter Wallop

Mild though it’s been so far, winter in the Pacific Northwest doesn’t typically arrive until about the time we start thinking about spring. After last February’s bitter cold winds and blowing snow, remember that there is plenty of potential for winter weather for at least the next six weeks, and maybe as soon as this weekend if forecasters are correct. As you prepare for whatever winter weather may soon arrive, [...]

An Early Spring? Not Quite!

Gardening? In this weather? I know what you’re thinking, and you’re right—at 20 degrees, with frozen ground and blowing snow, we’re a far cry from the early spring we were expecting as recently as two weeks ago. Later this month, though, as the temperatures begin to warm, it will be time to assess the damage, replant pots for early spring and get back to gardening, so here are some tips [...]

2019-02-16T05:32:14+00:00February 16th, 2019|Container Gardening, Fertilizer, Plant Care, Winter|0 Comments

Caring for Your Plants in Harsh Winter Conditions

In the last couple of years, we’ve come to associate winter in the Pacific Northwest with mild temperatures and minimal precipitation. This year is so far proving altogether different, and though we’re still a week away from winter’s official arrival, one look out your window will tell a completely different story. With the new season upon us, here are a few tips to keep your plants healthy and happy through [...]

2016-12-16T16:58:24+00:00December 16th, 2016|Container Gardening, Container gardens, Plant Care, Winter|0 Comments
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