
Recovery, Renewal, and Lifelong Learning in the Garden

Gardeners are by nature learners. This hobby we call “gardening” is not one to be mastered—with new plants, new insect and disease issues, and weather conditions constantly in flux, the school of gardening has no graduates as we all learn more skills and gain fresh knowledge with each passing season. As spring unfolds, you may be discovering new issues around your yard you need to address, so let’s dive into [...]

2024-04-12T03:19:28+00:00April 12th, 2024|Fertilizer, Lawn Care, Plant Care, Pruning, Roses, Winter|0 Comments

Spring Restoration for Lawn & Garden

They say that “April showers bring May flowers,” and this year, I’m sure I’m not the only one clinging to that promise! With the last nine months bringing a 100-degree spread in temperatures, endless rain, and for many, flooded yards and gardens, I think we’re all ready for a good stretch of nice weather. With the effects of severe weather in the last year becoming obvious around your yard, now [...]

2022-04-15T03:31:41+00:00April 15th, 2022|Fertilizer, Lawn Care, Plant Care, Shrubs|0 Comments
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