
Planning for Spring in Autumn

With regular soaking rains, cool temperatures, and crisp sunny days marked by the slanting rays of a sun sinking further into the southern sky, there’s little doubt that autumn is here to stay. As you work at cleaning up your yard and getting your garden ready for winter, here are a few items to keep your lawn and garden healthy and thriving throughout the months to come. First, while our [...]

Examining Areas for Improvement

I love gardening, and chances are if you’re reading this, you do too. Unique among many hobbies is gardening’s accessibility—just about anyone of any age with any amount of skill living in any sort of home can exercise their green thumb and discover the joy of growing something. Along with successes come challenges, though, and I’m not immune to the failures we all experience in the garden. With hopes that [...]

2021-01-28T20:48:14+00:00January 28th, 2021|Edibles, Insect Control, Lawn Care, Plant Care, Vegetables|0 Comments

Time to Enjoy Your Garden

Welcome to summer! You’ve been planning for it, and now it’s here—time to sit back and enjoy the beauty of your garden. With gas prices inching higher and budgets tightened, you might be taking advantage of the new concept that came around this time last year—the “staycation,” a vacation spent at home. So, what are some plants you can enjoy planting this time of year? Let’s try perennials! First, many [...]

2021-07-30T20:43:19+00:00July 8th, 2009|Hot Plants, Perennials, Shade, Summer Bloomers|0 Comments
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