Hot Plants

Summer Plants that Wow

We gardeners are always on the lookout for plants that have that special characteristic: unique foliage, multi-colored flowers, unusual growth habit, or some other eye-catching trait. In today’s world of dozens of options on the shelf even for toothpaste, it takes a lot to stand out from the crowd, which is why so many of the new plant introductions are released specifically for their “wow” factor. As you plan and [...]

2024 Proven Winners Annuals

At Vander Giessen's, we're proud to grow a wide selection of Proven Winners annuals, our preferred brand for unique colors, plant health, and overall performance where it matters--in your garden! Our selection for 2024 includes over 75 varieties, including the items listed below. Please note that this list does not reflect current stock on hand but does encompass the entire selection of varieties we will be growing throughout the [...]

New Life & Color for Lawn and Garden

Charles Dickens once wrote of sunny March days as “summer in the light and winter in the shade.” With the promise of sunny, warmer weather arriving in the coming days, the chilly late winter we’ve been experiencing lately may begin to shift to real spring, when even the shade isn’t so wintry. As we gardeners excitedly get outside to feel the sun on our skin and work the soil in [...]

2024-03-14T03:29:44+00:00March 14th, 2024|Fertilizer, Hot Plants, Hydrangeas, Lawn Care, Plant Care|0 Comments

2024 Hydrangea Selection Now Available!

Hydrangeas are incredibly popular plants, and with good reason: they're easy to grow, are available in varieties well-suited for sun or shade, come in a wide variety of sizes and shapes, and offer colorful flowers throughout the summer months. At Vander Giessen's, we offer a wide variety of hydrangeas, and we've just gotten in our biggest selection ever--nearly three dozen unique varieties! While we have several hundred plants available, many [...]

2024-03-15T14:02:18+00:00March 11th, 2024|Hot Plants, Hydrangeas, Shade, Shrubs, Summer Bloomers|0 Comments

Landscaping for Summer Heat

We Pacific Northwesterners are a fickle people. If you need proof, just look at the last few months. March? Too cold. April? Too rainy. May? Too warm. If you have friends in the Midwest, you know they might experience all three of those extremes in the span of a week—or even a couple days. And while we gardeners might complain, it’s for good reason; after all, we want only the [...]

2023-06-20T16:10:42+00:00June 20th, 2023|Annuals, Hot Plants, Perennials, Shrubs, Summer Bloomers|0 Comments

Summer Color Done Easy

With sunshine and blue skies here, we’re in for a stunner of a weekend, and after a cool, wet spring, I think we can all appreciate the arrival of more warm, dry weather. Along with the sun comes the perfect weather for getting your pots, containers, and flowerbeds planted up with color for summer beauty. As you plan for what you’ll plant this spring, here are five no-fuss plants you [...]

Something Old, Made New

We gardeners are drawn to shiny new things—the lure of something new causes us to browse seed catalogs, stroll the aisles at garden centers, and try to convince our spouse to carve out just a little more flowerbed space. Admittedly, new introductions are exciting, but what I find most attractive are improvements on tried-and-true plants—something old, made new. As you get started with planting shrubs and perennials around your yard [...]

Late Summer Color for the Garden

Sitting outside the other night, I was struck by how early it was getting dark. It should come as no surprise—after all, last I checked, this happens every year—but I’m always disappointed the first time I notice the days getting markedly shorter. Especially this year, when decent weather didn’t arrive until later in June, it’s hard to accept the fact that we’re firmly into late summer. As you tend to [...]

Showstopping Color for Summer

Talking with a local farmer the other day about just how far behind schedule he and other farmers in our area are in fieldwork and planting this spring, his parting comment struck me. “In my forty years of farming, we’ve always gotten the planting done; we just have to wait a little longer some years.” After a couple of years of early starts in our gardens—both for flower and vegetable [...]

Proper Timing for Gardening Success

In gardening, timing is everything. Whether getting your vegetable seeds or starts in the ground at the proper time, feeding your lawn and garden when needed, and spraying or treating for insects before an infestation ruins your fruit or flowers—the success of your endeavors hinges largely on doing things at the right time. As you wrap up planting your vegetable garden for summer and begin to focus on maintaining your [...]

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