
Preparing Your Garden for the Burst of Spring

Looking outside my window, I can see the first signs of spring beginning to emerge: my daffodils are sprouting, the winter heather is in full bloom, and the buds on my rose bushes are beginning to swell. Although it’s too early to declare winter past and gone, it’s time to think spring and get underway with early season tasks around the garden. First, with the aforementioned roses beginning to bud, [...]

2023-02-08T15:12:55+00:00February 8th, 2023|Fertilizer, Perennials, Plant Care, Roses, Vegetables, Winter|0 Comments

Getting Ready for Early Spring in the Garden

After a challenging start to winter here in the Pacific Northwest, it’s beginning to look like we may escape the cold, snowy weather that February has offered in recent years. Although we still may get some winter weather in March, the chance of anything severe or long-lasting decreases with each passing week, so I feel somewhat safe in embracing the spring weather we’re enjoying! As you begin to get out [...]

2022-02-11T04:39:16+00:00February 11th, 2022|Annuals, Fruit, Hydrangeas, Plant Care, Pruning, Roses, Winter|0 Comments

Early Spring Gardening is Here!

Last month I wrote about how much I love winter—and don’t get me wrong, I do!—but this year, we've had seemingly more than our normal share of winter weather and frankly, I’m ready to scratch my spring itch. Thankfully, the weather is improving and spring is beginning to arrive, so it’s time to make your early spring gardening to-do list. Gardening in early spring is very weather-dependent, especially when [...]

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