winter pansies

Welcoming a New Season in the Garden

In an old comic strip I read recently, the characters lamented the fact that even though the days of July and August are some of the longest of the year, the months seem the shortest. Indeed, summer’s balmy weather and long days are fading quickly, and as September ushers in the shortening of daylight hours and the beginning of a new season, it’s time to make the transition to early [...]

2024-09-12T14:06:39+00:00September 12th, 2024|Annuals, Container Gardening, Fall, Lawn Care, Sale|0 Comments

Second Spring in the Garden

If I had to pick a favorite season, my choice would have to be autumn. Cool, crisp mornings and warm sunny afternoons; occasional rains returning and bringing the earthy, welcome smell we call petrichor; and the opportunity to get out in the yard and reimagine gardens and containers for a new season—all these bring me almost as much excitement as the thrill of spring. With a new season upon us, [...]

Death, Taxes…and Rain

Ben Franklin once said that “nothing is certain in life except death and taxes,” but he had obviously never visited the Pacific Northwest in autumn and experienced the rainy season that, though delayed this year, has finally arrived. As the traditional wet fall season begins to take hold in Western Washington, this month is a great time to get a head start on next year’s gardening success, so here [...]

2022-10-21T17:40:26+00:00October 14th, 2022|Annuals, Bulbs, Fall, Fertilizer, Lawn Care, Planting|0 Comments

A Golden Month in the Garden

Photographers call it the “golden hour,” that magical first hour after sunrise and last hour before sunset when the lighting is just perfect for photography. If I might, I think we gardeners could borrow the idea for our hobby, for certainly September is one of the “golden months.” With warm days, cool nights, abundant sunshine but occasional showers—this time of year is just about perfect in my book. As we [...]

Make the Most of Autumn Around the Yard

Plants don’t lie: vegetable gardens are giving the last of their abundance and the maple trees are showing the first of fall reds in their uppermost branches. Regardless how firmly we try to grasp the fading rays of summer, the seasons march on and autumn is arriving. As you gear up for the new season, here are a few tips to make the most of early autumn around the [...]

2020-09-12T22:33:46+00:00September 12th, 2019|Annuals, Fall, Insect Control, Lawn Care|0 Comments
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