Hanging baskets

For the Well-Being of Garden & Soul

With the screams of kids enjoying carnival rides and the wafting smells of fried foods, the telltale signs of the Northwest Washington Fair can mean only one thing: early autumn is just around the corner. However, if this year’s weather proves anything like last year—and frankly, many years—we still have nearly two months of summerlike weather ahead of us, so now is no time to give up on the garden. [...]

2024 Proven Winners Annuals

At Vander Giessen's, we're proud to grow a wide selection of Proven Winners annuals, our preferred brand for unique colors, plant health, and overall performance where it matters--in your garden! Our selection for 2024 includes over 75 varieties, including the items listed below. Please note that this list does not reflect current stock on hand but does encompass the entire selection of varieties we will be growing throughout the [...]

Making the Most of Summer in the Garden

To borrow the words of a late, dear friend of mine, this time of year offers an “embarrassment of riches” in the garden. From hydrangeas to zinnias, roses to dahlias, and a huge array of summer-blooming annuals, there’s certainly no shortage of color to enjoy this time of year. Vegetable gardens are beginning to yield their abundance as well, and who can resist the mouth-watering taste of fresh-picked berries? We’re [...]

Late Summer Color for the Garden

Sitting outside the other night, I was struck by how early it was getting dark. It should come as no surprise—after all, last I checked, this happens every year—but I’m always disappointed the first time I notice the days getting markedly shorter. Especially this year, when decent weather didn’t arrive until later in June, it’s hard to accept the fact that we’re firmly into late summer. As you tend to [...]

Bugs, Bounty, & Beauty in the Garden

The Pacific Northwest in July is a real gem: lush trees, plants, and fields; flowers burgeoning with color; juicy, sweet berries ripening; and a gentle breeze in the evening to cool off the warmth of the day. At long last summer has arrived, and with it our focus in the garden shifts from spring planting to mid-season growing and maintaining. Here are a few things to keep on your gardening [...]

Finishing Summer Strong in the Garden

Late summer in the garden can be both a challenging and rewarding time, with increased insect and disease issues at a time when plants are their most productive or beautiful. You’ve cared for your garden this many months, watering, fertilizing, and carefully tending to your plants’ needs—so let’s finish the summer strong. Here are a few tips to keep your garden healthy and looking its best as fall looms just [...]

Dealing with Curveballs in Gardening

I’m not the athletic sort, so forgive me for mixing metaphors when I say that we gardeners have to learn to roll with the punches when life throws us curveballs. Whatever word picture you prefer, the heat and sun we experienced late last month was a curveball we’ll talk about for a long time. As you clean up damaged plants and try to help your garden recover, here are some [...]

Smart Moves to Keep Your Garden Happy This Summer

By nearly every measure, summer has arrived. Never mind that June has felt cooler and more spring-like than May--kids out of school and over 16 hours of daylight can only mean that summer is here! As you wrap up your spring checklist of filling planters and beds with colorful flowers, it’s time to shift into summer maintenance mode. Here are a few tips to ensure a thriving lawn and [...]

Exciting New Plants For Your Garden & Pots

The phrase “April showers bring May flowers” has never seemed to ring so true as this year. After a roller coaster spring that started late due to February’s bitter cold, then raced ahead during a warm, pleasant March, only to grind to a halt with a cool, wet April, it’s finally time to enjoy blue skies and great weather for planting just about anything. As you spend time outside [...]

Pre-order Your Lynden Baskets Now

Here at Vander Giessen Nursery, we take pride in the beautiful, unique hanging baskets we grow in our greenhouses each year. With dozens of different color combinations available, we have a hanging basket for just about any taste. If you're looking for the perfect Lynden Basket to give your mom--or yourself!--this spring, we're busy taking pre-orders for this year. Whether you're looking for a specific color combination or just [...]

2019-04-14T14:49:02+00:00April 13th, 2019|Hanging baskets|0 Comments
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