Rose Shield

Waiting for Summer Sun

Ask any native Washingtonian and they’ll tell you that “June Gloom” is a very real thing in our corner of the world. Unfortunately, this year’s June Gloom comes on the heels of Abundant April Showers and a Mostly Moist May, leaving weather forecasters with few friends. With summer just around the corner (one can hope!), June is a great time to work outside, ensuring a colorful, productive, and healthy garden [...]

Proper Timing for Gardening Success

In gardening, timing is everything. Whether getting your vegetable seeds or starts in the ground at the proper time, feeding your lawn and garden when needed, and spraying or treating for insects before an infestation ruins your fruit or flowers—the success of your endeavors hinges largely on doing things at the right time. As you wrap up planting your vegetable garden for summer and begin to focus on maintaining your [...]

Too much work? Think again!

Assisting customers at our nursery, I often hear comments like, “Oh, I love roses, but I hear they’re a lot of work,” or “Wow, that’s a pretty rose, but aren’t they hard to care for?” This time of year roses are just coming into bloom, prompting many people to stop and take note of the beautiful colors and delicious fragrances. Maybe you’re one of those people, fascinated by the striking [...]

2021-07-30T20:35:49+00:00June 11th, 2009|Hot Plants, Plant Care, Roses, Summer Bloomers|0 Comments
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