
Keep the Beauty Going in the Garden

This week’s forecast: nothing but sunshine. While the webbed-feet crowd can bemoan that spring’s rain has transitioned solidly to dry summer weather, we can all appreciate the fact that summer brings with it the abundance of a garden harvest, days spent at the lake or the bay, and relaxing in the cool of the day outside on the deck. As you work in the garden this month, here are a [...]

Making the Most of Summer in the Garden

To borrow the words of a late, dear friend of mine, this time of year offers an “embarrassment of riches” in the garden. From hydrangeas to zinnias, roses to dahlias, and a huge array of summer-blooming annuals, there’s certainly no shortage of color to enjoy this time of year. Vegetable gardens are beginning to yield their abundance as well, and who can resist the mouth-watering taste of fresh-picked berries? We’re [...]

Summer Color Done Easy

With sunshine and blue skies here, we’re in for a stunner of a weekend, and after a cool, wet spring, I think we can all appreciate the arrival of more warm, dry weather. Along with the sun comes the perfect weather for getting your pots, containers, and flowerbeds planted up with color for summer beauty. As you plan for what you’ll plant this spring, here are five no-fuss plants you [...]

Showstopping Color for Summer

Talking with a local farmer the other day about just how far behind schedule he and other farmers in our area are in fieldwork and planting this spring, his parting comment struck me. “In my forty years of farming, we’ve always gotten the planting done; we just have to wait a little longer some years.” After a couple of years of early starts in our gardens—both for flower and vegetable [...]

Exciting New Plants For Your Garden & Pots

The phrase “April showers bring May flowers” has never seemed to ring so true as this year. After a roller coaster spring that started late due to February’s bitter cold, then raced ahead during a warm, pleasant March, only to grind to a halt with a cool, wet April, it’s finally time to enjoy blue skies and great weather for planting just about anything. As you spend time outside [...]

Grow a Garden Full of Fresh Color, Not Bugs

To be fair, most of us living here in the Pacific Northwest have chosen our lot in life, but let’s be real—the last six months have tested even the most rain-loving among us. With blue skies finally arriving with some regularity, it’s now time to start planting flowers, vegetables, and other plants around your yard. As you relish bringing color back to your hanging baskets and planters, here are some [...]

Flowers or Food–Make the Most of Your Garden!

In the world of gardening, this is the time of year I like most. Each morning I walk through the greenhouses at our nursery and marvel at how fast everything is growing. The longer days and warmer temperatures throw annuals into overdrive—one day, a greenhouse of Lynden baskets may be merely budded; the next, it’s full of color. In the last couple weeks, cooler, wetter weather may have dampened your [...]

2021-07-30T21:28:32+00:00April 19th, 2010|Annuals, Vegetables|0 Comments
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