
Preparing the Garden for a Winter’s Rest

One of the aspects of gardening that I love the most is the seasonality of it. As much as I love the earthy smell of the first mowing in spring, by this time of year I equally look forward to the feeling of satisfaction that accompanies that final pass over the lawn in autumn. And sad as it is to tear out summer’s flowers in anticipation of the first frost, [...]

2023-11-09T15:10:22+00:00November 9th, 2023|Fall, Perennials, Plant Care, Shrubs, Winter|0 Comments

Give Your Garden a Head Start on Spring

Looking out my window, the maples and sumacs in my neighbors’ yards are proudly showing their fiery fall colors, the last of the cucumbers are ripening in my vegetable garden, and the zinnias and dahlias are beginning to wind down their summer blooms. As autumn tightens its grip on our corner of the world, October is the month to begin preparations for winter and take the first steps toward a [...]

From Summer to Snowflakes

In the last few weeks, our weather has rapidly shifted from endless summer to early winter, with little more than colorful foliage and pumpkins on the porch to remind us that indeed, it is still fall. As you enjoy the fall colors mingled with a chance of snowflakes, now is the time to put your garden to bed for winter, so here are a few tips to prepare your plants [...]

2022-11-09T18:24:45+00:00November 9th, 2022|Bulbs, Fall, Plant Care, Pruning, Roses, Shrubs, Winter|0 Comments

Getting Your Garden Ready for Winter’s Rest

As much as I love gardening, I also love the opportunity for rest that late fall and winter offer. November presents us a chance to wrap up the last of our garden cleanup and put our yards to bed for winter. As the gardening season draws to a close, here are a few things I’m going to be doing around my yard this month and would encourage you to do [...]

2021-11-11T22:56:16+00:00November 11th, 2021|Bulbs, Fall, Plant Care, Roses, Shrubs, Winter|1 Comment

Finishing Summer Strong in the Garden

Late summer in the garden can be both a challenging and rewarding time, with increased insect and disease issues at a time when plants are their most productive or beautiful. You’ve cared for your garden this many months, watering, fertilizing, and carefully tending to your plants’ needs—so let’s finish the summer strong. Here are a few tips to keep your garden healthy and looking its best as fall looms just [...]

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