
4 Fall Tasks for a Healthy Lawn & Colorful Garden

A year ago, we ended a warm, dry summer with a splash of sorts—October’s arrival brought a drastic change in the weather that began one of the wettest winters on record in our area. This year, we’ve once again experienced a dry summer and pleasant early fall, and while rainy weather is arriving, it's now the perfect for getting some extra lawn and garden projects done. Here are a [...]

Make the Most of Fall Planting Season

After a seemingly-interminable dry streak, we’ve finally been blessed with rain again here in our corner of the Pacific Northwest, and with it, the transition to a new season. With autumn here, now is the time to once again begin planting shrubs and trees, rehabilitating your lawn and sprucing up your containers for autumn. Even though it can still feel like summer in the afternoons, step outside early one [...]

Winter Pansies for Fresh Color

With the warm weather of the last couple of weeks and the dry conditions we've experienced this summer, your flowers may be starting to look a little worn and it might be time to start thinking about freshening your pots up for a new season. Autumn isn't far away, and now is the perfect time to begin planting winter pansies for color through fall and again next spring. At Vander [...]

2017-08-09T21:35:11+00:00August 9th, 2017|Annuals, Fall|0 Comments

Late Autumn: A Time of Closure and New Beginnings in the Garden

In the world of gardening, November is a month of closure. Raking leaves, pulling out flowers, putting the lawnmower away for winter—there are plenty of signs that the season is ending. This month, as you wind down your garden work for 2016, don’t miss out on these season-ending tasks—and a very important first task for spring you need to take time for now. First, it’s time to rake leaves. [...]

2023-05-24T22:52:39+00:00November 19th, 2016|Disease Control, Fall, Fertilizer, Hydrangeas, Roses|0 Comments

Autumn Tasks for a Colorful Garden & Healthy Lawn

With the return of rainy, cool weather, autumn is in full swing here in the Pacific Northwest. And while it’s not always the most fun to work outside these days, the fact is, it’s perfect weather for planting and taking care of some important yardwork. So, here’s what’s on my gardening to-do list this month—grab your raincoat! First, it’s time to replace your summer flowers with two types of flowers [...]

2016-11-10T22:47:34+00:00October 15th, 2016|Bulbs, Fall, Lawn Care, Planting, Shrubs|0 Comments

Finish the Gardening Season Strong

With Thanksgiving drawing close, we’re in the homestretch of another year—and as you finish up the last of your gardening tasks for the season, here are a few tips to ensure a good end to this year and start to the next. First, it’s time to label your plants. As perennials grow in popularity and variety, more of the plants in our gardens simply disappear over winter, leaving us [...]

2017-01-12T15:19:37+00:00November 21st, 2014|Bulbs, Fall, Perennials, Plant Care, Roses|0 Comments

Prepare Your Lawn & Garden for a Beautiful Spring

By all accounts, this year’s summer weather was exceptional. A long season of warm, dry weather—punctuated by a few perfectly-timed rains—made for a great year in the garden and left many gardeners with bumper crops (tomatoes, anyone?). As we begin to close the books on another year of gardening, there are a few steps you can take now to ensure a healthy lawn and beautiful garden next spring. First, [...]

2023-05-25T03:43:32+00:00October 16th, 2014|Bulbs, Fall, Fertilizer, Lawn Care|0 Comments

Make the Most of Fall & Winter Color

Autumn is quickly settling in here in the Pacific Northwest. As we begin to experience more regular rains, cooler nights and foggy mornings, here are some tips and a few of our favorite plants for a new season. First, I'm going to go out on a limb (pun intended!) and predict that trees in our area will show beautiful fall color this year. After a long, hot summer, deciduous [...]

2017-01-18T16:33:54+00:00September 25th, 2014|Annuals, Fall, Shrubs, Winter|0 Comments

Fall Checklist

Yesterday I had the task of raking the leaves that had begun to pile up in my yard. I have a feeling I'm not the only one doing that this time of year! After last week's wind storm, I imagine many people have piles of leaves on their lawn and in their flower beds. As we prepare for winter, now is the time to start working on your fall checklist. [...]

2021-07-30T21:02:02+00:00November 3rd, 2009|Fall, Winter|0 Comments

Is it too late to plant?

After a beautiful summer and a sunny, warm start to autumn, it's that time again--with the rain falling and temperatures dropping, autumn is truly here. Yesterday, I read that the road to Artist Point has been closed for the season, and with that closure, we can say goodbye to summer and hello to a new season. This time of year, I often hear customers say, "Is it too late to [...]

2021-07-30T20:58:37+00:00September 30th, 2009|Fall|0 Comments
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