Plant Care

Four Garden Tasks to Start the Year Right

After a cold start to winter, our weather has moderated to more normal conditions for our area, with milder temperatures and regular rains. While we’re not out of the woods just yet—winter often returns in late January or February around here—with a new year upon us it’s time to start getting ready for a new year in the garden. Here are a few gardening tips to start the year off [...]

From Summer to Snowflakes

In the last few weeks, our weather has rapidly shifted from endless summer to early winter, with little more than colorful foliage and pumpkins on the porch to remind us that indeed, it is still fall. As you enjoy the fall colors mingled with a chance of snowflakes, now is the time to put your garden to bed for winter, so here are a few tips to prepare your plants [...]

2022-11-09T18:24:45+00:00November 9th, 2022|Bulbs, Fall, Plant Care, Pruning, Roses, Shrubs, Winter|0 Comments

A Garden Refresh for a New Season

Foolish me—I thought that after all the rain we had from last October through early June, we might just escape the summer wildfire smoke we’ve experienced the last few years. Although some forecasters predicted a cool, wetter-than-normal summer, since early summer it’s been very dry and warm, and with wildfires burning once again in our mountains, even the most rain-weary among us are wishing for a good, soaking rain. With [...]

Bugs, Bounty, & Beauty in the Garden

The Pacific Northwest in July is a real gem: lush trees, plants, and fields; flowers burgeoning with color; juicy, sweet berries ripening; and a gentle breeze in the evening to cool off the warmth of the day. At long last summer has arrived, and with it our focus in the garden shifts from spring planting to mid-season growing and maintaining. Here are a few things to keep on your gardening [...]

Waiting for Summer Sun

Ask any native Washingtonian and they’ll tell you that “June Gloom” is a very real thing in our corner of the world. Unfortunately, this year’s June Gloom comes on the heels of Abundant April Showers and a Mostly Moist May, leaving weather forecasters with few friends. With summer just around the corner (one can hope!), June is a great time to work outside, ensuring a colorful, productive, and healthy garden [...]

Showstopping Color for Summer

Talking with a local farmer the other day about just how far behind schedule he and other farmers in our area are in fieldwork and planting this spring, his parting comment struck me. “In my forty years of farming, we’ve always gotten the planting done; we just have to wait a little longer some years.” After a couple of years of early starts in our gardens—both for flower and vegetable [...]

Spring Restoration for Lawn & Garden

They say that “April showers bring May flowers,” and this year, I’m sure I’m not the only one clinging to that promise! With the last nine months bringing a 100-degree spread in temperatures, endless rain, and for many, flooded yards and gardens, I think we’re all ready for a good stretch of nice weather. With the effects of severe weather in the last year becoming obvious around your yard, now [...]

2022-04-15T03:31:41+00:00April 15th, 2022|Fertilizer, Lawn Care, Plant Care, Shrubs|0 Comments

One Hundred Extra Minutes in the Garden

A map I recently saw showed that the northern latitudes of the continental United States gain an average of 100 minutes of daylight over the course of the month of March. That statistic begs the question: what are you going to do with that extra hour and a half of daylight each day? Of course, if you’re reading this, chances are you’ll spend a good portion of that time [...]

2022-03-25T04:03:50+00:00March 25th, 2022|Fertilizer, Fruit, Plant Care, Shrubs|0 Comments

Getting Ready for Early Spring in the Garden

After a challenging start to winter here in the Pacific Northwest, it’s beginning to look like we may escape the cold, snowy weather that February has offered in recent years. Although we still may get some winter weather in March, the chance of anything severe or long-lasting decreases with each passing week, so I feel somewhat safe in embracing the spring weather we’re enjoying! As you begin to get out [...]

2022-02-11T04:39:16+00:00February 11th, 2022|Annuals, Fruit, Hydrangeas, Plant Care, Pruning, Roses, Winter|0 Comments

Preparing Your Plants for Cold Weather

With some of the coldest temperatures we've seen in years forecast for the Pacific Northwest in the coming days--and with winter officially just beginning--now is the time to take action to protect any tender or at-risk plants you have outdoors from winter damage. While this is far from a comprehensive guide to protecting plants in winter, here are a few quick tips to keep your plants happy and healthy no [...]

2021-12-22T21:42:49+00:00December 22nd, 2021|Container Gardening, Container gardens, Plant Care, Winter|0 Comments
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